Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Journey Begins

Today is the day that I start a journey. The goal? To help myself and in doing so, maybe help a whole world of people like me who need help too.

I am unorganized in every facet of my life, and I seek change.

At my core, I'm a free spirit. I love my alone time. I love to be creative, and I love to be zen. My life is none of these things. I'm a working mom with two very small children. My job takes everything I've got. My children are amazing and easy. (lucky for me). My husband.... well, that where things get a little crazy. For anybody who knows my husband, you know where I'm going with this. I married Captain Chaos. In fact, his name is Eric and that may be the last time, I refer to him as that in this blog. He is Captain Chaos and will be referred to as such. 

I must describe him as he is the epicenter of my non-zen world. 

First, I want to share that I absolutely LOVE my husband. He's my drug and to some extent my social opposite. He loves to be busy. He's got a busy job in sales, does commercial real estate, has started a wine app as a small business and coaches my son's T-ball team. Don't even get me started on his resume. He's got a law degree, has been a mayor of a small town, founded a youth soccer league and youth baseball league and has had in excess of 30 jobs in his life. Captain Chaos knows everybody in town. Scratch that. He is legitimate friends with everybody in town. And EVERYBODY wants to socialize all of the time.

So, there in lies the problem. I love captain chaos, but I've also gotta be true to me. I strive for order in my life. I cherish my alone time and yearn to be creative in silence. I also love the social world that I live in. There is always a dinner party to go to, coffee with friends, trips with other familes and parties up the wazoo. Did I forget to mention that I love the social scene just as much as my husband, once I'm there? It's excellent, and it is the life for me.

So here's why I am the poster child for writing an organization blog. I am the equivalent of the homeless drug addict who has decided to resurrect  as the priest or self-made millionaire. I've been at rock bottom, and I have the drive and many of the tools to get to the top of my game, as an organized zen person in a chaotic over worked, over played, over lived world. 

Join me in my journey. May I help us together!

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